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题目:Adversarial signal processing and the hypothesis testing game

主讲人:Maruo Barni教授

主持:李进 教授




 Mauro Barni has carried out his research activity for almost 20 years first at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication of the University of Florence, then at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Siena where he works as full Professor. During the last decade, his activity has focused on digital image processing and information security, with particular reference to the application of image processing techniques to copyright protection and authentication of multimedia (digital watermarking). Lately he has been studying the possibility of processing signals that has been previously encrypted without decrypting them. He is author/co-author of about 230 papers published in international journals and conference proceedings, and holds three patents in the field of digital watermarking. He is the chairman of the IEEE Information Forensic and Security Technical Committee (IFS-TC) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He has been a member of the IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing technical committee and of the conference board of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He is a senior member of the IEEE and EURASIP.


Security-oriented applications of signal processing have received increasing attention in the last years. Digital watermarking, steganography and steganalysis, multimedia forensics, biometric security, are just a few examples of such an interest. In many cases, though, researchers have failed to recognize the single most unique feature behind any security-oriented application. One of the most evident consequences is that security requirements are misunderstood. Even when the need to cope with the actions of a malevolent adversary is taken into account, the proposed solutions are often ad-hoc, failing to provide a unifying view of the challenges that such scenarios pose from a signal processing perspective. Times are ripe to go beyond this limited view and lay the basis for a general theory that takes into account the impact that the presence of an adversary has on the design of effective signal processing tools. It is the aim of this talk to: i) motivate the need for the development of a general theory of adversarial signal processing; ii) propose a unifying framework based on game-theory; iii) present some recent results regarding adversarial hypothesis testing.

上一条:生命科学学院“高端学术论坛”之六十三 下一条:2017引智讲坛之七~之九

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