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报告题目:Comparative studies on genetic control of flowering in crop legumes


报告人:Dr. Jim Weller澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学生命科学学院副教授



Jim Weller简介

Jim Weller博士,澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学生命科学学院植物遗传学副教授,澳大利亚研究委员会的未来学者。1996年获得博士学位,之后在日本理化研究所和荷兰瓦宁根大学从事6年的博士后研究,2002年返回塔斯马尼亚大学获得助理教授职位。Weller博士的研究领域为植物生理、发育和进化,目前主要从事豌豆、苜蓿菜豆等豆科作物的开花、茎尖发育、激素功能和光温反应的分子遗传研究;同时利用比较生物学、作物驯化和自然变异来改良豆科作物的产量。


Ridge S, Sussmilch FC, Hecht V, Lee R, Vander Schoor JK, Aubert G, Burstin J, Macknight RC,Weller JL(2016) Identification ofLATE BLOOMER2as aCYCLING DOF FACTORhomolog reveals conserved and divergent features of the flowering response to photoperiod in pea.Plant Cell28, 2545-2559

Sussmilch F, Berbel A, Hecht V, Ferrandiz C, Madueño F,Weller JL(2015)VEGETATIVE2is anFDortholog essential for flowering and compound inflorescence formation in pea.Plant Cell27:1046-1060

Weller JL, Liew LC, Hecht V, Rajandran V, Laurie RE, Wenden B, Ridge S, Vander Schoor JK, Jaminon O, Blassiau C, Dalmais M, Rameau C, Bendahmane A, Macknight RC, Lejeune-Hénaut I (2012) A conserved molecular basis for photoperiod adaptation in two temperate legumes.Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA109 (51) 21158-21163

Hecht V, Laurie RE, Vander Schoor JK, Ridge S, Knowles CL, Liew LC, Sussmilch FC, Murfet IC, Macknight RC,Weller JL(2011) The peaGIGASgene is aFLOWERING LOCUS Thomolog necessary for graft-transmissible specification of flowering but not for responsiveness to photoperiod.Plant Cell23, 147-161

Liew LC, Hecht V, Laurie RE, Knowles CL, Vander Schoor JK, Macknight R,Weller JL(2009).DIE NEUTRALISandLATE BLOOMER 1contribute to regulation of the pea circadian clock.Plant Cell21, 3198-3211

Weller JL, Hecht V, Vander Schoor JK, Davidson SE, Ross JJ (2009) Light regulation of gibberellin biosynthesis in pea is mediated through the COP1/HY5 pathway.Plant Cell21, 800-813


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