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来源:     作者:    编辑:chen    发布时间:2022-01-18 13:41    点击数: Views

教育学院谢爱磊副教授的论文近日于Poetics(《诗学》)在线发表论文Desirability, technical skills, and misrecognition: Cultural capital and rural students’ social integration in elite Chinese universities(可欲,可能与可及:文化资本与精英高校农村学生的社会适应)该研究运用一项持续多年的针对农村大学生的追踪数据,讨论了传统的分析文化资本的两条理路在理解转型社会时的局限,主张把握文化资本的关系性,指出了可以以“误认”为分析文化资本发挥作用的第三条理路。谢爱磊老师为本文的唯一作者。


Recent studies on cultural capital have suggested the importance of recognition in its embodied forms, such as knowledge, skills, and competence, by institutions to produce benefits for privileged students in elite universities. These studies presuppose a relatively static social structure and the ability of the dominant social class to impose its standards of evaluation on educational institutions. This study develops Bourdieu's concept of misrecognition and highlights the relational nature of cultural capital. Using data on a group of rural students at four elite universities in China, we show how they exclude themselves from participating in student bodies, which is crucial for the accumulation of social and cultural capital, by misrecognizing their urban peers as more competent because of the knowledge and skills they acquired outside of school before entering university. This study contributes to the literature by highlighting that social disadvantage can also arise when underprivileged groups misrecognize the knowledge and skills possessed by the privileged as symbols of ability, even if such knowledge and skills are not necessarily recognized by any institutional criterion.



谢爱磊老师所在的广州大学粤港澳大湾区社会发展与教育政策研究院团队持续关注社会发展与教育公平现象,在过去数年,对精英高校农村学生的发展进行了持续而深入的研究,并在教育社会学理论层面进行了反思,论文先后发表在《教育研究》和Higher Education等国内外教育领域和高等教育领域的期刊及澎湃新闻等主流媒体上,代表性文章列表如下:


1. Xie, A. , & Reay, D. (2020). Successful rural students in china's elite universities: habitus transformation and inevitable hidden injuries?. Higher Education, 80(1),21-36 . doi: 10.1007/s10734-019-00462-9.


2. 谢爱磊,洪岩璧,匡欢,白杰瑞. (2020).寒门贵子:文化资本匮乏与精英场域适应——基于“985”高校农村籍大学生学业和社会成就状况的追踪研究北京大学教育评论,17(4), 45-64.


3. 谢爱磊匡欢白杰瑞刘群群. (2018).总体性文化资本投资与精英高校城乡学生的社会适应高等教育研究. 39(9), 30-36.


4. 谢爱磊. (2016). 精英高校中农村籍学生:社会流动与生存心态的转变教育研究. 442(11), 74-81.


5. 谢爱磊“小镇做题家”的“励志故事”和“悲惨世界”澎湃新闻网. 2020826http://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_8861950

上一条:分子遗传与进化创新研究中心研究成果入选 “2020年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文” 下一条:孔凡江教授在Trends in Plant Science 发表观点综述谷类和豆类作物复合型花序的调控

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