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教育学院“广大行知论坛”系列讲座第 81 期

学术举办时间 4月10日 10:15 学术举办地点 文逸楼309学术报告厅
主讲人 许清波 复旦大学北欧中心访问学者 主题 达尔文进化论与性别研究的对话:张抗抗的进化女性主义




报告人:许清波 赫尔辛基大学性别研究博士后,复旦大学北欧中心访问学者


讲座题目:The Evolutionary Feminism of Zhang Kangkang and the Developing Dialogue between Darwinism and Gender Studies

内容简介:This transcultural and transdisciplinary speech will first introduce the meeting by chance, the similarities and congeniality, between evolutionary feminism and Chinese feminist ideas, especially those expressed by Zhang Kangkang (a contemporary Chinese woman writer, 1950- ). It will then continue to illuminate the particular social phenomena in China – Chinese families with “illegal” children born outside of the birth control policy – again through an evolutionary lens. The studies draw specifically from evolutionary psychology, evolutionary anthropology, gender studies, family sociology, and Chinese studies.

主讲人简介:Qingbo Xu was born in China, holding a bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, a master’s degree in Comparative Literature from Peking University, China, and a doctoral degree in Gender Studies and Sociology from the University of Helsinki, Finland. Her main research interests include evolutionary anthropology, evolutionary feminism, family sociology, gender studies, Chinese women’s writing, and feminism in China. She has published several articles in edited volumes and academic journals. She is currently a post-doc researcher at the East Asian Studies, University of Helsinki, and now visiting the Nordic Center at Fudan University as a visiting scholar.

上一条:南国讲堂第82讲 下一条:人文学院人文讲坛(沙龙)2015年度第三讲

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