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报告题目:How do brain cells communicate with each other and why is it critical to human behavior?


报告人:Dr. Stephen Meriney匹兹堡大学神经科学系教授




报告题目:The development of new treatments for neuromuscular disease


报告人:Dr. Stephen Meriney匹兹堡大学神经科学系教授



Stephen Meriney简介


Stephen Meriney博士,匹兹堡大学神经科学系教授。1986年获得博士学位; 1987-1993年在加州大学洛杉矶分校从事博士后研究;自1993年至今在匹兹堡大学神经科学系历任助理教授、副教授、终身教授。Meriney博士的主要研究方向为神经元突触信息传递的分子细胞机制,包括离子通道的生物物理研究,神经肌肉突触的电生理研究,突触前神经末梢的钙成像,神经肌肉的新治疗方法的开发疾病和MCell计算机模拟神经末梢内的微生理。


Meriney SD, Gray DB. Pilar G. (1985) Morphine-induced delay of normal cell death in the avian ciliary ganglion. Science 228: 1451-1453.

Pilar G. Nunez R. McLennon I. Meriney SD. (1987) Muscarinic and nicotinic synaptic activation of the developing chicken iris. Journal of Neuroscience 7: 3813-3826.

Meriney SD. Pilar G. (1987) Cholinergic innervation of the smooth muscle cells in the choroid coat of the chick eye and its development. Journal of Neuroscience 7: 3827-3839.

Meriney SD. Pilar G. Ogawa M. Nunez R. (1987) Differential neuronal survival in the avian ciliary ganglion after chronic acetylcholine receptor blockade. Journal of Neuroscience 7: 3840-3849.

Meriney SD. Young SH. Grinnell AD. (1989) Constraints on the interpretation of nonquantal acetylcholine release from the frog neuromuscular junction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, U.S.A. 86: 2098-2102.

Meriney SD. Gray DB. Pilar GR. (1994) Somatostatin-induced inhibition of neuronal Ca2+ current modulated by cGMP-dependent protein kinase. Nature 369: 336-339.

Wachman E. Poage RE. Stiles JR. Farkas D. Meriney SD. (2004) Spatial distribution of calcium entry evoked by single action potentials within the presynaptic active zone. Journal of Neuroscience 24: 2877-2885.

Keith RK. Poage RE. Yokoyama CT. Catterall WA. Meriney SD. (2007) Bidirectional modulation of transmitter release by calcium channel/syntaxin interactions in vivo. Journal of Neuroscience 27: 265-269.

Luo F. Dittrich M. Stiles JR. Meriney SD. (2011) Single pixel optical fluctuation analysis of calcium channel function in active zones of motor nerve terminals. Journal of Neuroscience 31: 11268-11281.

Tarr TB. Dittrich M. Meriney SD. (2013) Are Unreliable Release Mechanisms Conserved from NMJ to CNS? Trends in Neuroscience 36: 14-22.

Tarr TB. Malick W. Liang M. Valdomir G. Frasso M. Lacomis D. Reddel SW. Garcia-Ocano A. Wipf P. Meriney SD. (2013) Evaluation of a novel calcium channel agonist for therapeutic potential in Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome. Journal of Neuroscience 33: 10559-10567.

Luo F. Dittrich M. Cho S. Stiles JR. Meriney SD. (2015) Transmitter release is evoked with low probability predominately by calcium flux through single channel openings at the frog neuromuscular junction. Journal of Neurophysiology 113: 2480-2489.

Wu M. White HV. Boehm B. Meriney CJ. Kerrigan K. Frasso M. Liang M. Gotway EM. Wilcox M. Johnson JW. Wipf P. Meriney SD. (2018) New Cav2 calcium channel gating modifiers with agonist activity and therapeutic potential to treat neuromuscular disease. Neuropharmacology 131: 176-189.


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