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学术报告(Prof. Hai Jiang,2019.6.4,周二)

学术举办时间 2019年6月4日 14:30-16:00 学术举办地点 行政西楼前座428 室
主讲人 Hai Jiang教授 主题 Towards Scalable & Unkeyed Secure Data Storage Systems  

报告题目Towards Scalable & Unkeyed Secure Data Storage Systems

报告人:美国阿肯色州立大学(Arkansas State University, USAHai Jiang教授


报告地点:计算机学院会议室(行政西楼前座428 室)


摘要:To support cloud storage effectively, a Distributed File System (DFS) should be well-rounded with excellent features in multiple major aspects and without significant drawbacks. The main design goals of a DFS in Clouds include security, reliability and scalability. Traditionally, cryptography, data duplication and powerful machines are common approaches to support DFS. However, the success of such a DFS will depend on cumbersome key management, large storage and costly infrastructure, respectively. This paper intends to revise Blakley’s secret sharing and apply it to a DFS for both security and reliability without sacrificing the scalability in performance too much. With such a DFS, data will be split into multiple shares without any exposure of data content. Such shares are spread them in a storage cluster for high throughput effect. Once sufficient shares are collected, the original data will be retrieved. Transformation between data and shares is another form of encryption/decryption transition without any required keys. Such DFS is implemented and deployed with GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) to accelerate data store and retrieval processes. Experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the new DFS.

报告人简介:Professor Hai Jiang received his B.S. degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA. He is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Arkansas State University, USA. Before joining Arkansas State University, he has spent four years in State key Laboratory of Switching Technology and Telecommunication Networks, Beijing, China as a research fellow and five years in industry with Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI, USA, where he held various technical positions. His current research interests include Parallel & Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Cryptography, Computer & Network Security, High Performance Computing and Communication, and Modeling & Simulation. Dr. Jiang is a professional member of ACM and IEEE computer society. He has published three books and more than 100 papers in refereed journals, conference proceedings and book chapters. He has been involved in more than 100 conferences and workshops as a program/workshop chair or as a program committee member. He serves as an editor for International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, and International Journal of Embedded Systems as well as a guest editor for IEEE Systems Journal, Cluster Computing, and Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. He also serves on the editorial board of International Journal of Big Data Intelligence, GSTF Journal on Social Computing, Open Journal of Internet of Things, and The Scientific World Journal. He also chaired IEEE TCSC PhD Dissertation Award Selection Committee, 2017-2019.


上一条:学术报告(美国纽约高盛集团Zhiqian Xu,2019.6.4,周二) 下一条:学术报告(Patrizia Pucci 教授,2019.6.4)

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