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主讲人:罗 军(博士,南京大学)




罗 军,男,1978年出生,江苏盐城人,理学博士。


2011/10-至今 南京大学环境学院环境科学系副教授

2008/12-2011/04 英国兰卡斯特大学环境中心 博士后

2005/10-2008/12 英国兰卡斯特大学环境科学系 博士

2004/01-2004/05 香港科技大学化学系 研究助理

2001/09-2004/06 南京大学环境学院环境科学系 硕士

1997/09-2001/07 南京大学环境学院环境科学系 本科







1. Zhou, C. Y., G. X. Guan, P. N. Williams,J. Luo*, and L. Q. Ma.2016. Novel DGT method with tri-metal oxide adsorbent forin situspatiotemporal flux measurement of fluoride in waters and sediments.Water Res.in press. (corresponding author)

2. Pan, Y., D. X. Guan, D. Zhao,J. Luo*, H. Zhang, W. Davison, and L. Q. Ma.2015. Novel speciation method based on diffusive gradients in thin-films forin situmeasurement of CrVI in aquatic systems.Environ Sci Technol.49: 14267–14273. (corresponding author)

3. Guan, D. X., P. N. Williams,J. Luo*, J. L. Zheng, H. C. Xu, C. Cai, and L. Q. Ma.2015. Novel precipitated zirconia-based DGT technique for high-resolution imaging of oxyanions in waters and sediments.Environ. Sci. Technol.49: 3653–3661. (corresponding author)

4. Zheng, J. L., D. X. Guan,J. Luo*, H. Zhang, W. Davison, X. Y. Cui, L. H. Wang, and L. Q. Ma.2015. Activated charcoal based diffusive gradients in thin-films forin situmonitoring of bisphenols in waters.Anal. Chem.87: 801–807. (corresponding author)

5. Luo, J., H. Cheng, J. Ren, W. Davison, and H. Zhang.2014. Mechanistic insights from DGT and soil solution measurements on the uptake of Ni and Cd by radish.Environ. Sci. Technol.48: 7305–7313.

6. Fan, Y. Y., J. L. Zheng, J. H. Ren,J. Luo, X. Y. Cui, and L. Q. Ma.2014. Effects of storage temperature and duration on release of antimony and bisphenol A from polyethylene terephthalate drinking water bottles of China.Environ. Pollut.192: 113–120.

7. Luo, J., H. Zhang, W. Davison, R. G. McLaren, L. M. Clucas, L. Q. Ma, and X. Wang.2013. Localised mobilisation of metals, as measured by diffusive gradients in thin-films, in soil historically treated with sewage sludge.Chemosphere90: 464–470.

8. Luo, J., X. Wang, H. Yang, J. Z. Yu, L. Yang, and B. Qin.2011. Atmospheric phosphorus in the northern part of Lake Taihu, China.Chemosphere84: 785–791.

9. Luo, J., H. Zhang, J. Santner, and W. Davison.2010. Performance characteristics of diffusive gradients in thin films equipped with a binding gel layer containing precipitated ferrihydrite for measuring arsenic(V), selenium(VI), vanadium(V), and antimony(V).Anal. Chem.82: 8903–8909.

10. Luo, J., H. Zhang, F. J. Zhao, and W. Davison.2010. Distinguishing diffusional and plant control of Cd and Ni uptake by hyperaccumulator and nonhyperaccumulator plants.Environ. Sci. Technol.44: 6636–6641.

上一条:教育学院“广大行知论坛”系列讲座第102期 下一条:2016年引智讲坛之六

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