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主题:suPAR - a root cause for CKD(Soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor - a root cause for chronic kidney disease:可溶性尿激酶纤维蛋白溶酶原激活物受体—慢性肾病根源之一)



主讲人:Jochen Reiser教授

Dr. Jochen Reiser简介

Jochen Reiser is the chairman of the Department of Medicine at Rush University Medical Center and the Ralph C. Brown, MD professor of Medicine at Rush University.

Dr. Reiser is a world-renowned research leader in the field ofkidney diseasewith a heavy focus on molecular biology and genetics. He has published more than 145 papers, many of them in highest impact journals. His contributions range from identification of circulating factorsuPARinfocal segmental glomerulosclerosis(FSGS) as well as to general mechanisms of chronickidneydisease (CKD). His work started new fields and significantly advanced new treatment for renal diseases.

Dr. Reiser directs a NIH-funded research laboratory in biomedical investigation of the kidney. He is a member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI), the American Clinical and Climatological Society (ACCA) and the Association of American Physicians (AAP).

He graduated from the Ruprecht Karls University of Heidelberg, Germany and served his residency in internal medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. He completed his fellowship innephrologyatMassachusettsGeneral Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital at Harvard Medical School in Boston. He then was an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School and the founding director of the program in glomerular disease at the Massachusetts General Hospital.

Prior to arriving at Rush in September of 2012, Dr. Reiser was a professor of medicine, anatomy and cell biology, vice chairman for research in the department of medicine, and chief of the division of nephrology and hypertension at University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. There, he also served as the Interim Chairman of Medicine.

In September 2016, Dr. Reiser received theFranz Volhard Award of the German Society of Nephrologyfor his wide contributions to Medicine and Nephrology.

Selected Publications

1. Schiffer M, Teng B, Gu C, et al, Reiser J, Sever S. Pharmacologicaltargeting of actin-dependent dynamin oligomerization amerliorates chronic kidney disease in diverse animal models. Nature Medicine, 2015; 21:601-609

2. Hayek SS, Sever S, Ko YA, et al, Reiser J. Soluble Urokinase Receptor and Chronic Kidney Disease.New England Journal of Medicine2015, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1506362

3. Altintas MM and Reiser J. Podocytes Faculty1000, 2016


主题:Population scale analytics for human genetic studies(人类遗传研究的人口规模分析)



主讲人:Chaolong Wang, Ph.D.

Dr. Chaolong Wang简介

B.S. in Physics Peking University, Beijing, China

Ph.D. in Bioinformatics,University of Michigan, USA

Research Fellow, Department of Biostatistics

T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, USA

Principal Investigator, Computational & Systems Biology Appointments Genome Institute of Singapore, A*STAR, Singapore

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Centre for Computational Biology Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore

Research Interest

Population genetics, statistical genetics/genomics, disease gene mapping, integrative genomics, next-generation sequencing data analysis, high dimensional data analysis

Selected Awards

- DeLill Nasser Award, Genetics Society of America, 2011

- Fellowship (Biomedical Sciences), University of Michigan, 2008-2009

- May Fourth Scholarship, Peking University, 2006

Selected Publications# indicates corresponding author; *indicates co-first author.

C Wang#, X Zhan, L Liang, GR Abecasis, X Lin (2015). Improved ancestry estimation for both genotyping and sequencing data using projection Procrustes analysis and genotype imputation. American Journal of Human Genetics, 96: 926-937

C Wang#, X Zhan, J Bragg-Gresham, HM Kang, D Stambolian, E Chew, K Branham, J Heckenlively, The FUSION Study, RS Fulton, RK Wilson, ER Mardis, X Lin, A Swaroop, S Zollner, GR Abecasis# (2014). Ancestry estimation and control of population stratication for sequence-based association studies. Nature Genetics, 46: 409-415

X Zhan, DE Larson, C Wang*, DC Koboldt, Y Sergeev, 52 other coauthors, ER Mardis, A Swaroop, GR Abecasis (2013). Identication of a rare coding variant in Complement 3 associated with age-related macular degeneration. Nature Genetics 45: 1375-1379

C Wang#, KB Schroeder, NA Rosenberg (2012). A maximum-likelihood method to correct for allelic dropout in microsatellite data with no replicate genotypes. Genetics 192: 651-669

C Wang#, S Zollner, NA Rosenberg (2012). A quantitative comparison of the similarity between genes and geography in worldwide human populations. PLoS Genetics 8: e1002886


主题:Genetic study in Nephrology(肾病学的遗传学研究)





中山大学教授,博导,中山大学肾脏研究所所长,卫生部肾脏病临床重点实验室主任和广东省肾脏病重点实验室主任;、国家杰出青年基金获得者,国际腹膜透析学会(ISPD)理事、亚太肾脏病学会执行理事、Associate Editor of《American Journal Kidney Diseases》、Subject Editorof《Nephrology》;国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员、中国医师协会肾脏内科医师分会会长、中华肾脏病学会候任主任委员、《中华肾脏病杂志》常务副总编辑。

长期从事肾脏疾病的临床和实验研究工作, 在肾脏疾病进行性发展机制和综合防治、gA肾病和狼疮性肾炎等遗传发病机制及防治研究、腹膜透析临床和相关基础研究等领域的研究处于国际前沿或国际先进水平。承担国家杰出青年基金、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家科技部国际合作计划项目1项、国家重大科技基础条件平台项目等课题30余项,获得国家级部级科技成果奖7项,其中国家科学技术进步二等奖1项,在Nature Genetics等刊物发表论文多篇。


上一条:地理科学学院“地理学人讲坛”第144讲 下一条:人文学院艺文讲坛第一期

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