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题目:Nanostructured Polymer Materials for Applications



主讲人:刘国军教授加拿大女王大学(Queen’s University)化学系


刘国军教授是加拿大政府授予的材料科学方面的首席科学家。研究主要集中在聚合物的设计与合成、组装、以及聚合物纳米材料在超疏水疏油、油水分离、光电材料、医用磁性材料等方面的应用研究。主持加拿大自然科学与工程研究理事会基金、美国化学协会等组织的基础研究和工业开发项目60多项,近五年来,先后应邀到世界著名大学及研究机构访问并作学术报告30余次,在国际会议应邀大会主题报告约40次,主持国际会议3次。通讯作者在Nat. Chem. (IF: 27.9)、Prog. Polym. Sci. (IF: 27.2)、Adv. Mater. (IF: 19.0)、J. Am. Chem. Soc. (IF: 13.0)、Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. (IF: 11.7)等刊物发表研究论文200多篇(被引量6000次以上)。近年来与美国雅富顿、美国施乐、法国欧莱雅等全球500强企业有较多工业开发方面的合作。


Nanostructured Polymer Materials for Applications

Guojun Liu*

Department of Chemistry, Queen’s University, 90 Bader Lane, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6*gliu@chem.queensu.ca

Since 1992, my group has developed several generic methods and used them to create novel nanostructures from block and graft copolymers. In the past several years, we have been exploring niche applications for nanostructured polymer materials. In this talk, I will report our success in two application areas.

First, I will discuss the grafting of polymer monolayers onto fibers of cotton fabrics and grids of metal meshes to yield Janus (asymmetrically bi-faced) filters.1-3 These filters are hydrophilic on one side but superhydrophobic on the other. Upon contacting an emulsion, the hydrophilic side of such filters causes emulsified oil droplets in water to coalesce. The coalesced oil then selectively permeates the superhydrophobic side of the filters. Because of this added de-emulsification capability, these filters can selectively separate oil from water even when their pore sizes are two orders of magnitude larger than the initial oil droplets before their coalescence and thus possess high fluxes.

Second, I will elaborate on the needs for readily applicable, optically clear, durable, anti-smudge, and inexpensive coatings and the challenges in preparing them. I will then reveal a graft-copolymer-based approach that enables a nanostructured polymeric coating for anti-graffiti and anti-fingerprint applications.4-8


1. Z. J. Wang, G. J. Liu and S. S. Huang,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 2016,55, 1460-1463.

2. Z. J. Wang, Y. Wang and G. J. Liu,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016,55, 1291-1294.

3. Z. J. Wang, Morgan Lehtinen, and G. J. Liu Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017,56,12892-12897

4. M. Rabnawaz and G. Liu,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015,54, 6516-6520.

5. M. Rabnawaz, G. J. Liu and H. Hu,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015,54, 12722-12727.

6. H. Hu, G. J. Liu and J. Wang,Adv. Mater. Interf., 2016,3, 201600001.

7. H. Hu and G. J. Liu,ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf., 2017,9, 9029-9037.

8. C. Zheng, G. J. Liu, and H. HuACS Appl. Mater. & Interf., 2017,9, 25623-25630.

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