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主题:Sustainable Urban Development(城市可持续发展)


Stefan Anderberg, Professor

ž Department of Management and Engineering

ž Environmental Technology and Management

ž LinköpingUniversity

ž Sweden

Work and employment

ž 2013- Professor in Industrial Ecology,LinköpingUniversity(LiU)

ž 2007-2013: Co-director LUCSUS -LundUniversityCentre for Sustainability Studies

ž 1999-2008: Associate Professor,InstituteofGeography,UniversityofCopenhagen

ž 1996-1998: Assistant Professor,InstituteofGeography,UniversityofCopenhagen

ž 1995-1996 Project Leader (INDProject), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA),Laxenburg,Austria

ž 1994-1995 Research Scholar /Project coordinator, IIASA,Laxenburg,Austria

ž 1989-1993 Research Scholar, IIASA,Laxenburg,Austria

Current assignments

ž 2013- Expert Group, Environmental impacts of shipping, Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment, Gothenburg

ž 2013- Educational Science Committee, Swedish Research Council

ž 2011- Advisory Board, Sustainable City Project, World Wildlife Fund.

Selected past assignments:

ž 2011-13 Steering group, RCE (Regional centre of expertise for sustainable development) Skåne (representing LU)

ž 2010-13 Steering Committee for Utmaning Hållbart Lund (Challenge Sustainable Lund) (repr. LU)

ž 2008-13 Director of PhD studies, LUCIDResearchSchool

ž 2004-13 Swedish IIASA Committee

ž 2005-06 National evaluation Committee for Human geography and Geography, National Board of Higher Education

ž 1997-98 Governmental Scientific Reference Group on Research for Sustainable Development, FRN

ž 1997-2001 Swedish Human Dimensions of Global Change Committee

Other assignments in summary:

ž 24 times Ph.D. examiner (8 times faculty opponent, 16 committee member ( 1 time pre-evaluator) inSweden,DenmarkandFinland

ž 2 times lic-seminar opponent, 2 times PhD final seminar opponent.

ž Evaluator for 4 lecturer positions inDenmarkandSweden

ž 9 times member of organizing committees for international conferences and workshops inSweden,Denmark,France,India,TaiwanandAustria

ž 3 times editor and co-editor for special issues

ž 4 times member of project advisory boards inSweden, andIndia

Teaching experience

ž Responsible for the course on Sustainable urban development at LiU. Has taught courses on various themes related to Environmental Geography, Sustainability Science and Industrial Ecology as well as Economic Geography and Theory of Science. Has been course responsible for more than 40 master level courses.

ž Supervised eight PhD-students who have reached the PhD-degree. Main supervisor for four of them. Currently supervising two PhD-students. Director ofSustainabilityScienceResearchSchoolat Lund University 2008-2013.

ž Supervised 53 master theses and examined more than 250 master theses as examinator/opponent.

ž Has participated as teacher on international courses inGermany,Italy,Serbia, andKorea(4-week summer course at Kyung Hee University 2012)

Selected research projects

ž Biogas Research Centre atLinköpingUniversity(Co-programme coordinator) 2014-

ž The Renewables directives and sustainability criteria for biofuels in the transport sector –Swedenin a European and global context (together with Sara Brogaard, LUCSUS, and Philip Peck, IIIEE) 2013-2015 (Swedish Energy Agency)

ž RD4SD Research and Development for Sustainable Development 2011-2013 (FP7 project coordinated by P.Moll and A.Ledin)

ž Electronic Waste Recycling in developing countries 2011-2012 ( Sida)

ž LUsTT – Land Use Today and Tomorrow 2010-2014 (leader: A.Arneth)

ž GLOBIS – Globalisation informed by Sustainable Development, collaboration between Lund University (coordinator), CIRED (France), and Frauenhofer Institute 2009-2013

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