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学术举办时间 2016年5月12日 15:30 学术举办地点 行政东楼前座412
主讲人 Ming T. Tan教授 主题 大数据之高维特征选取及基于受试工作特征最大效用的生存预测

Title: Big Data to High Dimensional Feature Selection and Survival Prediction with Maximization of ROC Utility



主讲人:Ming T. Tan教授

Department of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics

Georgetown University美国乔治城大学生物统计、生物信息与生物数学系系主任



摘要:Statistical learning models have been broadly utilized in business analytics such as Google marketing and biomedical research areas. I will present several of our recent developments in predictive analysis used to identify features or patterns of features that are capable of predict outcomes such as whether a Google advertisement banner results in sale, disease status and patient survival. This talk will focus on theory and methods with biomedical applications, for example, the molecular signatures predictive of patient survival. The first is the regularized statistical learning model. In supervised learning or disease classification, most standard methods, however, are designed to maximize the overall accuracy and cannot incorporate different costs to different classes explicitly. Integrating advances in machine learning, optimization, and statistics, we propose a novel nonparametric method (a regularized model) to select variables by explicitly maximizing a relevant function of the receiver operating characteristic curve, e.g., a weighted specificity and sensitivity or an L1 penalized global AUC maximization. Experimental results with chemotherapy and large genomics data demonstrate that the proposed procedures can be used for identifying important genes and pathways that are related to survival due to cancer and for building a parsimonious model for predicting survival of future patients.

谭 铭 简历


谭铭是世界生物统计权威杂志《医学统计》(Statistics in Medicine)和杂志《药物设计,开发和治疗》(Drug Design, Development and Therapy)的副主编。曾任《生物统计》(Biometrics)和《统计通信:理论与方法》(Communications in Statistics: Theory & Method)的副主编。2007年,谭铭被选为美国统计学会会士(ASA Fellow,约千分之三的美国统计学会会员获此荣誉);1999年,谭铭当选国际统计学会委员;1994年,谭铭荣获北美交流(interface)基金会出席奖(Travel Award);1994年,谭铭荣获国家科学基金会出席奖。他是美国药监局(FDA)专家顾问委员会委员,参与7种新药的评审,也是美国国家健康多种重点项目评审委员会委员。获得多项科研项目资助(作为主持人获得约380万美元,作为生物统计合作者超过8000万美元),包括美国国家健康研究院(NIH),癌症协会基金会基金等。


谭铭在有重要影响的学术刊物上发表SCI收录的论文170多篇,包括《生物统计》8篇,《医学统计》6篇,PNAS USA,LAUCET,NEJM, Nature Medicine,Cancer等等.


上一条:2016年引智讲坛之五 下一条:南国讲堂第105讲

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