
发布日期:2024-01-18    浏览次数:






关涛,博士、博士后,现任广州大学音乐舞蹈学院副教授、硕士生导师,同时担任多本 SSCI A&HCI 期刊的审稿人。研究方向包括传统音乐教育、少数民族音乐教育以及教育公平与公正的相关议题。

近年来,我重点关注粤港澳大湾区音乐认同的溯源、构建与培育。基于这一研究方向,我主持了2022年中国博士后科学基金面上项目、2023年中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站中)项目、2024年教育部人文社会科学项目、2023 年广东省哲学社会科学规划青年项目,以及2022年人民音乐出版社“礼乐弦歌”项目。同时,我也对多民族地区的学校音乐教育抱有极大的兴趣,如文化回应性教学对藏族、彝族、蒙古族和汉族初中学生族际态度和民族认同的积极影响,以及少数民族学生音乐艺考中的教育公平议题。

我在国内外重要期刊发表了 20 余篇论文,如:International Journal of Music EducationJournal of Research in Music EducationMusic Education ResearchIdentity: An International Journal of Theory and ResearchInternational Journal of Art & Design Education,以及《中国音乐》《人民音乐》《星海音乐学院学报》《南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版)》《四川戏剧》《中国音乐教育年鉴》《中国音乐教育》等。此外,我出版了两部译著:《音乐教育文化心理学》(上海音乐出版社)和《音乐社会心理学》(上海教育出版社),并参编了 7 部著作。

如果你具备良好的英语基础,愿意持续学习,并对深入的实践与学术研究(Empirical Research)充满热情,那么欢迎加入我的研究团队。



     Guan, T., Liu, J., & Luo, N. (2024). Exploring the changes in cultural identity of primary school students in a Chinese orchestra. International Journal of Music Education, 00, 1-17. (A&HCI, SSCI) https://doi.org/10.1177/02557614241228626

     Guan, T., Luo, N., & Matsunobu, K. (2024). Facilitators and barriers to the Music College Entrance Examination among Chinese ethnic minority students. Music Education Research, 26(4), 479-496. (A&HCI, SSCI)https://doi.org/10.1080/14613808.2024.2334724

     Guan, T., Luo, N., & Matsunobu, K. (2024). Understanding ethnic minority studentsmotivations to pursue higher music education over time. International Journal of Music Education, 00, 1-16. (A&HCI, SSCI) https://doi.org/10.1177/02557614241254406

     Luo, N., & Guan, T.* (2024). Music participation among public school students in metropolitan China: An examination of personal, parental, and school factors. Journal of Research in Music Education, 00, 1-22. (A&HCI, SSCI)https://doi.org/10.1177/00224294241257154

     Luo, N., Wang, L., & Guan, T. (2024). Ethnic and national identification of minority youth in China: The mediating role of intergroup orientation. Plos one, 19(6), 1-15. (SCI) https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0305169

     Luo, N., & Guan, T.* (2023). Is creativity masculine? Visual arts college studentsperceptions of the gender stereotyping of creativity and its influence on creative self-efficacy. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 42(2), 312-326. (A&HCI, SSCI) https://doi.org/10.1111/jade.12454

     Luo, N., & Guan, T.* (2023). Exploring the benefits of culturally responsive art learning experience for rural Chinese students. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 42(1), 192-208. (A&HCI, SSCI)https://doi.org/10.1111/jade.12444

     Guan, T., Luo, N., & Koji, Matsunobu. (2023). Nurturing student ethnic identity through culturally responsive music teaching in China. International Journal of Music Education, 41(4), 598-615. (A&HCI, SSCI)https://doi.org/10.1177/02557614221132550

     Guan, T., & koji, Matsunobu. (2022). Effects of an Intercultural Music Course on Adolescents Intergroup Attitudes in Southwest China, Music Education Research, 24(2), 238-255. (A&HCI, SSCI) https://doi.org/10.1080/14613808.2022.2042501

     Guan, T., Luo, N., & Wang, L. (2022). Relationships among ethnic identity, Chinese national identity, and intergroup attitudes of adolescents from a multi-ethnic area in China. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 22(2), 135-149. (ESCI) https://doi.org/10.1080/15283488.2021.1919114

     Yang, Y., Yin, A. Q., Guan, T. (2021). Mapping Music Education Research in Mainland China (20072019): A Metadata-Based Literature Analysis.International Journal of Music Education, 39(2), 234-246. (A&HCI, SSCI)https://doi.org/10.1177/0255761420988923




    关涛:《从“多元文化”到“去中心化”——对北美音乐教育范式的批判和反思》,《中国音乐》2021 年第 1 期,第176-183页。(CSSCI


    关涛:《音乐教育质性研究方法前瞻——以音乐教育文化心理学为例》,《星海音乐学院学报》2020年第 2 期,第 128-137 页。(CSSCI扩)

    王昕、关涛:《负性音乐情绪的神经机制对比研究》,《中国音乐》2019年第4期,第143-149页。(CSSCI * 通讯作者









     1. 关涛《音乐教育文化心理学》(A Cultural Psychology of Music Education(独立译者)2022年由上海音乐出版社出版(国家一级出版社, 原书由牛津大学出版社出版,2011) (译著)

     2. 关涛:《跨文化音乐课程在藏彝走廊民族学生中的纽带作用:基于彝、汉、蒙古和藏族的个案研究》,《中国音乐教育年鉴2019》,2022年由上海音乐学院出版社出版。

     3. Luo, Ning & Guan, T.* (2023). Cai Yuanpeis Vision of Aesthetic Education and His Legacy in China. In Comparative and Decolonial Studies in Philosophy of Education. Hebert, D. Eds. Springer.



