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意大利那不勒斯大学(University of Naples Parthenope, Italy)Aniello Castiglione博士学术报告通知

学术举办时间 2019年11月15日 4:00-5:00 学术举办地点 广州大学行政西楼前座四楼428会议室
主讲人 Aniello Castiglione博士 主题 Can the IoT really improve our lives? A wearable and light-weight solution for our daily safety.

题目: Can the IoT really improve our lives? A wearable and light-weight solution for our daily safety.


地点: 广州大学行政西楼前座四楼428会议室

报告人:Aniello Castiglione博士、意大利那不勒斯大学(University of Naples Parthenope, Italy



The need of safety in our daily lives is increasingly important especially in some urban areas or suburbs where there are some social problems and unlawful activities often occur. Several solutions have been proposed and implemented to counteract such threats, such as video-surveillance camera, security staff people, public lighting and so on. But, as it is widely known, such safety precautions are not enough sometimes, especially due to the greatness of the cities and to the lack of economic resources for establishing such countermeasures. To this aim, several personal solutions have been proposed, ranging from pepper spray to self-defense courses. In addition, there also exist a kind of GPS mini-locator equipped with a button to be used to activate an emergency signal/call/message. The latter is recently implemented as a software solution within an app that runs on our mobile phones. Unfortunately, phones strictly depend on the power supplied by the battery and when the battery runs out of charge such security measures cannot be used. So, let’s see if the (so much appointed paradigm of) Internet of Things can help us. In fact, the idea of this talk is to propose the engineering of a wearable device that can fix the deficiencies of the above-mentioned solutions already present on the market. The main problems still in place within the existing solutions (e.g., Nimb, Blinq, mBand, Revolar) are the dependency from the mobile phone and the fact that cannot be easily concealed when it is needed to use them. In fact, all the actual solutions are wearable device that communicates with the mobile phone by means of a short-range low-power communication protocol (mainly Bluetooth 4.2 or 5.0) and let the mobile phone to propagate the emergency signal/call/messages. It is clear that if the mobile phone runs out of battery or if the phone is stolen, such solutions become completely useless. Furthermore, another problem affecting existing solutions is that sometimes it is not easy to hide the request of help because when using such kind of devices that are not so wearable. The talk will propose a solution that satisfies all the above-mentioned requirements and that really improve the security and safety of nowadays citizens. The technological components of the proposed solution are usually adopted in different devices and are some of the building blocks of the emerging IoT applications.



Aniello Castiglione, Aniello Castiglione received the PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Salerno, Italy. Actually, he is Assistant Professor at the University of Naples "Parthenope", Italy. He received two Italian national qualifications as Associate Professor in Computer Science. He published around 210 papers in international journals and conferences. He served in the organization (mainly as Program Chair and TPC member) in around 260 international conferences. He served as a reviewer for around 110 international journals and was the Managing Editor of two ISI-ranked international journals. He acted as a Guest Editor in around 20 Special Issues and served as an Editor in around 10 Editorial Boards of international journals. IIn 2014, one of his paper (pub. on IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing) has been selected as "Featured Article" in the "IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative", while in 2018 another paper (pub. on IEEE Cloud Computing) has been selected as "Featured Article" in the "IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative". According to the Web of Science "Essential Science Indicators" (by Clarivate Analytics), one of his paper (pub. on IEEE Transactions on Computers) was awarded as "Highly Cited Paper" and "Research Front" paper since it was placed in the top 1% of academic field of Computer Science in the time interval November-December 2017. His current research interests include Information Forensics, Digital Forensics, Security and Privacy on Cloud, Communication Networks, Applied Cryptography and Sustainable Computing. He is a member of several associations, including IEEE and ACM.


上一条:罗马尼亚斯特凡赛尔马大学(Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Romania) Oana GEMAN副教授学术报告通知 下一条:教育学院“广大行知论坛”系列讲座第 183 期

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